想聽matika碎碎唸嗎? 你來對地方了!

星期日, 9月 13, 2009

Windows 7的Trim command真是SSD救星?

M$日前宣佈Windows 7具有Trim command, 可強化SSD的效能與使用壽命...


因為各家SSD controller廠商有各自獨到的Wear-leveling演算法, 而各家的SSD硬體架構也不盡相同,有的是MLC+SLC hybrid, 有的是DDR RAM chache, 更有的跟兩者截然不同, Trim command 不見得能一一適用.

再者, Wear-leveling的終極目的是將每個Block erase count平均化, 進而延長SSD使用壽命, 而不是在做degfrag這種傳統硬碟才需要的最佳化方式, 然而SSD的使用時間一長, 都難免有老化(Aging)的問題,導致效能下降,但每家SSD的硬體架構不同,如何做好wear-leveling又同時維持效能, 其實有時是難以兼得的狀況.

不過這些問題SSD controlle業者都已察覺, 並且在努力中, 姑且拭目以待吧~

延伸閱讀, Windows 7 Trim command:

價格合理的Android Phone何時會來?

所謂"高科技電腦公司"還有"三爽"目前所發售的Android Phone價格都高的嚇人,除了魔術師之外, 每支都要價NT20000以上, 這會不會與Google想席捲Mobile產品市場的預期相違背呢?

總之, 期待其他PDA Phone vendor爭點氣, 給我們幾隻"Affordable"Android Phone吧!!

星期日, 5月 17, 2009



也略帶江浙口味, 而正統的大陳年糕本身是作成骨頭狀的,買不

1. 將泡好的蝦米, 蒜頭, 蔥段爆香並加入酌量五花肉片拌炒
2. 加入年糕片及白菜絲及香菇絲,木耳絲
3. 略加米酒及昆布醬油蓋上鍋蓋悶5分鐘
4. 煮完收工!


星期一, 3月 16, 2009

Wear-Leveling(Advance intro)

Dynamic wear leveling employs wear levels over the dynamic Flash array areas. Embedded Designs using
dynamic wear leveling do not touch static data. In a Flash use model where 75% of storage is for code or
static data, only 25% is available for wear leveling. This model offers higher level of Flash endurance
compared to no wear leveling. Note that only one-fourth of the Flash cell array employs wear leveling.

A static wear-leveling algorithm evenly distributes data over an entire Flash cell array and searches for the
least used physical blocks. The identified low cycled sectors are used to write the data to those locations. If
blocks are empty, the write occurs normally. If blocks contain static data, it moves that data to a more heavily
used location before it moves the newly written data. The static wear leveling maximizes effective endurance
Flash array compared to no wear leveling or dynamic wear leveling.

New comer- Global Wear-leveling(A.K.A Universal wear-leveling)
Incorprate the benefit of Dynamic and Static wear-leveling.
Which treat the SSD as a whole block.

星期日, 3月 15, 2009


剛剛陪外婆看大陸尋奇, 介紹蘇州的一個廟有位和尚剛做完燃指,
Google了一下, 是要把整根手指燒掉...我的天阿~

後記, 該位和尚說燃指完, 他吃了早飯, 才到醫院包紮, 一點也不會痛..



1. 先將少量五花肉用熱鍋煎出油
2. 然後放洋蔥一起爆香
3. 在加入梅花肉塊一起爆香
4. 燒2碗水加入1/4瓶昆布醬油燒滾
5. 將肉塊洋蔥等加入鍋中一起燒滾
6. 可酌量加入紅蘿蔔及馬鈴薯還有油豆腐
7. 燒20分鐘就可吃啦,完全不必加鹽或是味精

p.s 這樣的作法連湯都可一起喝~