Not looking back.
Not looking back.該翻成永遠不回頭嗎? (笑, 老電影七匹狼主題曲)
不是啦, Not looking back.是Nicole Alden的歌, 現在被當成是Audi A4 S line的背景配樂,
滿好聽的, 而這也是我現在心情的寫照..
過去的一切, 或許光榮或許噓聲四起, 但畢竟都是過去, 改掉過去的惡習
過去很多很好的人事物, 不懂得珍惜, 一直到失去才感到無奈與懊悔,
人生, 果真要面對重大的打擊, 才會讓自己的想的比較多; 也許, 我覺醒的比較晚,
所以付出的代價也較高, 但我必須承受才能走下去, 不改進, 同樣的打擊仍會出現,
分享Not looking back.的歌詞, 所以勸過我的朋友, 謝謝你...
I’m not looking back
I won’t glance behind
I’ve got nothing but a future in my mind
you are in my mind
you are in my mind
you are in my mind
I never wanted anything but your time
loose your pride
let us live inside each other’s eyes, so beautiful
so beautiful
I am looking out, the sky’s so wide
I am looking out, you are not here
and I not fine
I am holding on, she holdng out sometimes
you are in my mind
you are in my mind
you are in my mind
let us live inside each other’s eyes, so beautiful
so beautiful