想聽matika碎碎唸嗎? 你來對地方了!
星期二, 7月 31, 2007
星期五, 7月 27, 2007
又到了老媽返台, 準備大打牙祭的時候, 一般點菜的餐廳吃膩了, 來個奢侈點的新都里系列吧..
新都里人間餐廳有好幾個系列:像是竹一、雲二、硯三、瀧四與泉五。 我們今天去的是遠企
先點個綜合果汁, 比想像中的大杯很多(當然冰塊也不少)]
臘味飯, 份量之少, 圖中是只有吃了一小口的狀態
海鮮腐皮捲, 裡面有包豆腐, 墨魚還有蝦仁, 還可以
筆筒沙拉, 裡面有小黃瓜, 西洋芹, 紅蘿蔔, 蘆筍, 像油條那玩意兒是包了豬肉的春捲
辣炒乾絲, 一點也不辣
照燒魚柳, 現炸的魚柳淋上醬汁, 然後用海苔包起來吃, 好吃!
內部就是黑摸摸的, 像pub的感覺]
整體的氣氛不錯, 服務也很積極, 食物擺盤漂亮
價格略為over priced...口味也只有一般而已
如果要吃類似價位, 又好吃的話, 我比較推薦誠品旗艦店11F的101湘菜.
如果要帶老外客戶來嘗鮮, 或是荷包飽飽帶馬子來耍帥, 也還可以..
電話:(02) 2735-2288
營業時間:11:45 am -2 am (全日供餐,無休)
星期四, 7月 26, 2007
Infobar也算是老手機了, 2003年左右出的吧?
AU當年搞了個design project, 找一堆知名設計師來設計手機外型, infobar就是其中一例...
機身很長, 又可上網, 所以叫Infobar吧?
有CCD Camera跟補光燈
收訊狀態當然是: 圈外(廢話)
照相功能正常(但沒BT, 沒紅外線, 無法傳出照片)
跟SE M600i 合影
標籤: Phone and GPS
星期三, 7月 11, 2007
台灣父母的價值觀, 是正確的嗎?
從父母輩甚至祖父母輩就是這樣的觀念, 看我們這一代或是下一代能否有機會扭轉.
以前, 父母輩是輩要求做律師做醫師, 我們這一輩, 則是被要求一定要進大型企業.
我也曾經在大型企業待過好多年, 母親每次跟朋友聊起, 都說我兒子在某集團, 我女兒在美國工作;然而現在我離開該集團, 一年多來母親仍非常不能諒解, 甚至覺得我是做錯什麼事被Fired(給親愛的母親, 被Fired我也有20幾萬可以拿好嗎? 是我自己選擇離開的),在父母眼中仍然只有大公司最好...
而台灣父母的價值觀, 是正確的嗎?
台灣一直有個問題, 不尊重專業..
出錢的老闆沒事就對設計說: 這個圖這麼簡單改一改, 還要多收錢啊?
客戶對木匠可能說: 這個衣櫃就是把木板釘一釘, 為何這麼貴?
客人對便當店老闆說: 你以為我不知道一隻雞腿多少錢, 為何你要賣80元?
社會有許多專業技能的人, 彼此分工, 才能達成最佳的運作效率.
不尊重專業, 麻煩自己做, 但你可能會花費更多的時間與精力.
職業並不分貴賤, 而是術有專攻, 如果今天一個台灣小孩子跟父母說:
父母一定一個耳光下去, 但是國外的父母不見得這樣想, 如果你有這方面的天份, 父母跟社會也會願意栽培, 將來也很有機會成為社會上的專業人士, 誰說專家一定是醫生律師或學者?
星期二, 7月 10, 2007
1年前, 從某公司離開到現在從某公司離開到現在, 今天剛好滿一年了一年了,時間可過的真快, 原本想在這一年內順便看看有無機會轉換到相關產業, 很遺憾的一切沒有我想像中的順利..
星期四, 7月 05, 2007
看來是有高手開始破解, 但是跟大家的預期還是有點差距, 還不能任意更換SIM card就是..
Activating an iPhone via AT&T Loophole
Originally posted at InformIT.com by Seth Fogie
1.) Be an AT&T customer
2.) 'Upgrade' your phone/plan to the iPhone and get activated and connected.
3.) Return your iPhone and switch back to original plan on original phone (free for at least 14 days).
4.) Tell them you want to keep the iPhone for and assign it to a new account that is separate from your original.
5.) Take iPhone home and remove SIM in top of device.
6.) Never activate iPhone and just use it as iPDA with full Wi-Fi and iPod support.
Activating an iPhone using another iPhone
Originally posted at The iPhone Blog
And stolen without credit by Gizmodo
1.) Obtain 2 iPhones
2.) Plug in iPhone #1 In iTunes select "I am a new AT&T Wireless Customer" and "Activate 2 or more phones on an individual or FamilyTalk Plan."
3.) Follow the steps for the FamilyTalk plan and enter "Cell Number X" to port a number over from another provider (e.g. Sprint)
4.) When the you receive the "Activation Complete" e-mail, plug in iPhone #2.
5.) Select the option "I am an existing AT&T (Cingular) wireless customer" and "Replace a phone on my account with this iPhone"
6.) Fill in the information re-using "Cell Number X." Allow the iPhone #2 to activate using this number. This number will be legit.
7.) Plug in iPhone #2, it will unlock the phone for use, but without a cell phone number assigned or account from AT&T.
Activation with a Pre-paid-Plan
Originally posted at TUAW
1.) Buy the iPhone.
2.) Connect it to iTunes.
3.) Sign up using 999-99-9999 as your social security number.
4.) After failing the credit check, select a GoPhone plan.
5.) After signing up for a GoPhone plan and being assigned a number and passcode, connect to the AT&T GoPhone funding page as prompted, enter your credit card or debit card information and you're good to go. DO NOT attempt to fund your iPhone over the phone with AT&T. DO NOT set up your iPhone prepaid account in advance with AT&T.
Activation via Jon Lech Johansen’s PAS (Phone Activation Server)
This method works by spoofing Apple's activation server. Details here. Instructions step by step:
1). Download UltraEdit-32, install it.
2). Download PhoneActivationServerV1.0, extract it to desktop or anywhere you want.
3). You might wanna backup the original iTunes.exe(located under C:\Program Files\iTunes) first.
4). Run UltraEdit-32, open file iTunes.exe, use Ctrl+G to go to address 2048912, then enter 33C0C3. Do the same for the rest two offsets: Go to address 257074 then enter 28 and go to 257013 then enter 33C9B1. Save the file and close UltraEdit-32.
5). Open Windows explorer and go to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc. Open the "hosts" file in ULTRAEDIT and add the line albert.apple.comto it. This will redirect any DNS query of "albert.apple.com" to your local host. Save & exit.
6). All you need to do is to run Phone Activation Server V1.0 first, leave it running and then run iTunes. Now when you plug in your iphone it will activate automatically in about 60 seconds